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Apr 13, 2022
In General Discussions
Your content team has strived to create smart, relevant content that delivers exceptional customer value. You have a great keyword strategy in place and are constantly generating new relevant content ideas. However, the one step you may have overlooked in your content strategy is making sure people actually read it. Understand reader habits According to a study by the Nielsen Norman Group, the average "reader" on a given web page only absorbs about 28% of a buy email list piece of content, which includes activities other than reading, such as browsing the layout. page of a site and the visualization of images. However, despite the generalizations older demographics like to make about the new crowd of digital natives, this drop in retention doesn't mean buy email list people today are suddenly lazier or have longer attention spans. short. It actually has to do with how our brains process and retain information across different media. Research by the Journal of Experimental Education has shown that people understand less key information when reading material online than in print due to a "disruptive effect" that occurs when scrolling. Factor in other aspects like eye strain from buy email list viewing bright screens and things like sidebars and hyperlinks, all meant to grab attention, and it's no wonder it can be difficult for content marketers to hold a visitor's attention. The challenge for most content producers today is to find the best method to deliver an interesting and insightful experience to your readers without bogging down your web page with more text than a regular scanner is willing to consider. Here are two ways to achieve this
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