People there you know week they come to work they screw up no then get up at ten to go for a run then have breakfast around four he checks his e-mail only on tuesdays I actually start working. I tell you how nice and in this mode these vacations are no longer necessary. Listen to the full conversation about building an online business about the evolution of technology. I'm not afraid of the advancement of technology. It's like consumer technology. As you can see we're excited about all kinds of stuff. These technologies are being created so fast that the ability to handle them in the consumer world and the business world is definitely not keeping up right? Everyone has a smartphone in their pocket and many people don't know they have a smartphone. E-commerce has been around for god how many years already as a safe technology.
Technology allows you to shop online. But the truth is if you look at the numbers we're just starting to get some attention. Listen to the full conversation about artificial intelligence and big data about permission marketing first and let the catchphrase of permission marketing guide you in all your thinking and planning about sms marketing. This is the most basic whatsapp mobile number list thing that is permission marketing. Of course it's not just that sending messages to people who have consented is not only legal but also aware of it. Because there are often contestants who legally agree to the brand or the marketing communications of the brand's partners without reading the terms of the charter and completely screw it up. So it's not about legal consent but about informed consent. Because if such a message appears in a completely different tone at this moment. So start with your own base. Spend your money and time here somehow.
Whether it's store cards and writing on cards to sign up for some loyalty clubs or it's developed enough that it's already apps and so on doesn't matter. It's important to gather your base and let these people know. Listen to the full conversation with learn how to combine email marketing and marketing. Regarding the nature of the general emphasis on transparency as I said civility and interpretation. By subscribing to the newsletter I should know exactly what I agree to. If you want to rely on my consent to just enter my email address then later if some control it will be on your side to prove that my consent was conscious and exactly what you did with my data. Now you have to remember that personal data is not just my name and email address but everything you know about me. So if you.