The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic took place in Chile in the context of a strong social outbreak. A discredited government and political class have had to take charge of one of the most important health crises in modern history. For the time being, the mobile phone number list mobilized citizenry deposed the protest and the constitutional plebiscite has been postponed. Chilean politics in times of pandemic Between social (de)mobilization and the health crisis On March 3, 2019, the first case of covid-19 was diagnosed in Chile. The outbreak of the virus in mobile phone number list national territory was not exempt from political tensions.
Indeed, at a time when the country was preparing for one of the most challenging health emergencies in modern history, Chilean society was immersed in mobile phone number list a marked process of social protest. Furthermore, a government with low levels of legitimacy has had to lead the handling of a crisis of proportions. This article analyzes Chilean mobile phone number list politics in times of pandemic.
To do this, it first offers a discussion of the political context in which the coronavirus appears and spreads. It then presents the main health and economic mobile phone number list measures that the government of Sebastián Piñera adopted to deal with the pandemic. Afterwards, it examines some of the main problems, criticisms and challenges that the Chilean government has had to face. Lastly, it discusses some of the possible post-coronavirus scenarios.